Friday, December 5, 2014

The 4 DBR Principles from Dana Point, CA

The 4 principles (most) every man wants to be judged by on his death bed:
1. I was honorable
2. I was accountable
3. I was respectful
4. I was dependable

When the busyness of life fades and a man examines who he was and how he wants to be remembered he (usually) focuses on four principles:

Honor: when I had to deal with people I treated them fair and square and expected the same.
Accountability: whatever I did or didn't do, I own up to, I take responsibility. I did the best I could with how I understood the world. I accept whatever fate or judgement is given me. 
Respect: all believe whatever we need to make it in the world. I did the same. I did not preach, condemn or condescend. I never told people they were wrong or tried to convince them I was right. I lived and let live. 
Dependability: I did an honest days work for an honest days pay. I carried my weight. When there was work to be done I showed up and did my share. I worked as hard and as long as it took to get the job done and I did it without complaint. 

These are the 4 Death Bed Religion Principles. Written and revised today in my apartment in Dana Point, California. Picture is from the harbor overlook off of Violet Lantern at 3:00pm. 

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